In August 2015, Jon Crowley Jr. and family visited the Church of St. Finbarr on Dunbar Street in Cork County Ireland. This is the church where William Crowley was baptized on June 15, 1812. They arrived at the church just as church was letting out for the day and were lucky to find someone to take them back to see a priest who was kind enough to show them the church records. The website where they could do searches was down, so fortunately, they had the year William was born. The priest was able to locate William’s record and hand wrote out a Certificate of Baptism from the information in the Baptismal Register! In addition to finding William’s baptism record, they were also able to locate a record for his much younger sister, Honora Crowley. Pictures of their visit follow. Additional photos can be found on William’s and Jon Jr.’s pages. All photos taken by David Crowley.